Powerspark HT Ignition Lead Set Set of 4 Cylinder HT Leads, Angled Spark Plug Terminals with Bare Ends & Terminal Pack L7Term-Black

Powerspark HT Ignition Lead Set Set of 4 Cylinder HT Leads, Angled Spark Plug Terminals with Bare Ends & Terminal Pack   L7Term-Black

Powerspark HT Ignition Lead Set Set of 4 Cylinder HT Leads, Angled Spark Plug Terminals with Bare Ends & Terminal Pack   L7Term-Black
Specification Custom Fit HT Leads 600mm with angled Spark Plug Terminals & Terminal Pack 
One set of Powerspark 8mm High Quality Double Silicone HT Leads, 600mm in length and terminated angled at the spark plug end.
Ideal as a ‘build your own’ HT leads solution, for adapting to the exact needs that you have depending on your engine.
Available in Black
This kit contains:
- 4 x Angled terminal plug leads in Black
- 1 x Angled terminal coil lead in Black
- 5 x Angled Brass Distributor Cap Terminals
- 5 x Angled Brass Distributor Cap Terminals
- 5 x Brass Spikes

Lead Lengths (mm) :
Lead #1      600
Lead #2      600
Lead #3      600
Lead #4      600
Coil             600

Our HT leads use double silicone insulation surrounding a carbon ferroflex core for maximum spark transfer and minimal power loss. This combination gives you a strong, reliable, long lasting HT lead that’s perfect for use with electronic ignition. These HT leads are resistant to temperature, water, oil and chemical degradation. They meet ISO 3808 quality standard.

Key Points:
- UK made HT Lead
- Double silicone outer with highly conductive carbon ferro flex core
- Extremely strong and durable
- Ideal for use with electronic ignition

Tips on installing the 90 Degree Boots for Coil and Cap connection:
To fit them, first lubricate the inside of the boot and the end of the cable with silicone lube spray.
The longer end fits into the SAE connector that you'll find on the distributor cap or coil, the shorter end crimps onto the cable.
Then slide the narrow end of the boot over the cable end so you have an inch or two of cable free.
Insert a brass spike into the centre of the cable and bend it back so that half is inserted into the cable and half is bent over the outside of the insulation.
Crimp the terminal onto the cable so that the brass spike is in contact with the terminal with good metal to metal contact.
Slide the boot back over the terminal into the correct position.
There should be a short length of the terminal beyond the end of the boot.

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  • Views: 500
  • Product Code: L7Term-Black
  • Location: HW-248
  • Availability: 3
1 Product(s) Sold
  • $55.20
  • Ex Tax: $48.00

Tags: Powerspark HT Ignition Lead Set Set of 4 Cylinder HT Leads, Angled Spark Plug Terminals with Bare Ends & Terminal Pack L7Term-Black, L7Term-Black, 4 Cylinder